Fox News Poll Shows Biden/Klobuchar Ticket Beating Trump


A new Fox News poll predicts that voters would support a Joe Biden/Amy Klobuchar ticket over reelecting President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

The poll was conducted between March 21 and 24 and shows Biden beating President Trump by nine percentage points in November. Since Biden promised to pick a female running mate, the poll examined his odds with Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Kamala Harris (D-CA), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as vice president.

With Klobuchar as Biden’s running mate, voters said they would support the Democratic ticket over President Trump by 50 percent to 42 percent. The numbers were identical for a potential Biden/Harris ticket.

A Biden/Warren ticket would defeat President Trump by 10 percentage points, according to the poll.

Overall, 63 percent of respondents said they support Biden’s promise to select a woman as his vice presidential running mate.

The poll found that 48 percent of voters approve of the president’s job performance while 51 percent disapprove.

In regards to the coronavirus outbreak, the poll found that 51 percent of voters approve of the president’s response and 46 percent disapprove. Another 53 percent said they believe the federal government could have slowed the spread of the virus if it had responded more quickly in the beginning.

Klobuchar suspended her presidential campaign in early March and quickly endorsed Biden in the race the night before her home state of Minnesota went to the polls. Since then, rumors have been circulating that Biden will pick Klobuchar as his running mate, but the senator has declined to address the speculation.

“I am not talking about hypotheticals,” Klobuchar said in a recent ABC interview and claimed she has not talked with Biden about joining the campaign.

“There are great women throughout this country, and no one knows better about being vice president than Joe Biden,” she added. “So he’ll make that decision. I think right now we’re in a crisis. That’s why people are turning to him.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Joe Biden” and “Amy Klobuchar” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.







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2 Thoughts to “Fox News Poll Shows Biden/Klobuchar Ticket Beating Trump”

  1. Garry Allyn DeManty

    Fox news poll not worth a poop.I like their reporters but not their polsters.

  2. CMinTN

    Fox News and their horrible polls have been part of the left wing, yellow stream media for some time now in case people havn’t noticed.
